Hello, everyone! As you might have noticed, I took a sudden hiatus from the blog (apparently) never to appear again.
Well... I'm back(ish).
Where was I, you ask? Getting into medical school became a full time job. Even when I'm not interviewing, applying, sending updates, taking biochem etc, I am day-dreaming of/thinking about/obsessing over these things. There have been definite ups and downs; the highs have been high (three acceptances at incredible institutions!), the low have been low (two wait lists at some of my top choices) and lowest (rejection, three in one day at one point).
After a frustrating week of interviews, wait lists and rejections, I realized something: this is completely and utterly unhealthy. For the last five months, I have been letting these applications really get to me. They have taken me away from my friends and the things that I used to do for fun, most notably this blog.
The oddest part of the whole thing is that if I had turned to my blog as an outlet, instead of abandoning it to pursue my applications, I would probably be less stressed than I am now.
Given this, I am back. I can't promise that this will again be a daily thing, but I can give it my best. I owe it to myself to take time to pursue something I have needed all along... a creative outlet to lend balance to my life.