Martha is, I mean. In pursuit of my desire to know everything there is to know about Martha and/or maybe be a little bit more like her, I came across a jackpot on her website: 10 Things You Might Not Know About Martha Stewart. This, of course, reminded me about 10 Things I Hate About You, which made me sad because then I thought about Heath Ledger. But, that's another story.
So, here they are! Prepared to be shocked... and a little weirded out.
1. Martha is an insomniac and watches lots of late-night and cable-access television. In fact, that's how she discovered our pet expert, Marc Morrone.
Me too, Martha, me too. As for this Morrone fellow, I'd like to learn more.
2. Martha has a special language she uses only with animals.
That's normal.
3. Her favorite scent? Unscented!
She only says that because she constantly smells like baking.
4. Martha's favorite pen is the felt-tipped "le pen" -- in black, brown, or blue, depending on what she's signing. For the holidays, she even breaks out red.
Wonder if I can convince the office to buy this under the guise of being productive.
5. Martha loves Post-Its, and leaves notes for herself -- and others -- all over the house and office. She's even been known to color coordinate them with the decor.
There is nothing shocking in number 5.
6. She's been known to stand in front of an open refrigerator and drink buttermilk straight from the carton and eat pickles right out of the jar. If she spots some liverwurst, forget about it -- she's in heaven.
Pickles, yes. Buttermilk, weird. Liverwurst... I mean I don't think that's kosher.
7. If you are lucky enough to be invited to Skylands, her home in Maine, the 5 a.m. hikes are mandatory.
8. She once sent an email banning black rubber-soled shoes from the office because of the streaks they left on the floors -- only she left out the R, so it read "black steaks."
Lulz at her unintentional office humor. Sad face at what seems like a stressful work environment.
9. She's a big fan of rapper Eminem.
Dirrrrtttyyy. Love the way you lie (to the SEC).
10. She's never really liked bananas, but she absolutely loves hot dogs.
How are these two statements related?