What could be more appropriate than the Sun Salutation? After all, summer is coming to a *gasp* close and I feel it's important to celebrate the sun while it's still around. Martha had all the proper instructions on her whole living site, located here: http://www.wholeliving.com/article/sunsalute0107wel.
The awkwardness and difficulty I had doing this is living and breathing proof that I am in horrible shape and it's about time for me to get my stretch on.
See the pictures below for all the instructions you should need. All of this is from Martha's whole living site.
Sun Salutation
Perform asanas each time with a fresh mind and with a fresh approach.
1. Tadasana
2. Urdhva hastasanaTranslation
Upward Hand Pose
3. UttanasanaTranslation
Standing Forward Bend
4. Lunge Pose
How to Do It
5. Plank Pose
6. Chaturanga DandasanaTranslation
Four-Limbed Staff Pose
7. Urdhva mukha svanasanaTranslation
Upward-Facing Dog
8. Aadho mukha svanasanaTranslation
Downward-Facing Dog
9. Lunge Pose
10. Uttanasana
11. Urdhva hastasana
12. Tadasana
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