Monday, February 21, 2011

"Spring" cleaning

It's time. Time for spring, but more important time for some intensive spring cleaning. I don't consider myself a particularly dirty person, but I am definitely messy. In my head there is a clear difference - I am not gross, I am just disorganized... or at least that's what I tell myself.

Part my intent with starting this blog was to start to do things differently, to motivate myself to get off my butt and take care of business. Learning how to clean properly is just one step along the way.

And so it was that I found myself on this lovely day off, this President's Day, with new snow in the trees outside, prepared to clean. I was going to clean the Hell out of my apartment.

I turned to Martha for advice, solace, and an inspiration of sorts. And she gave me something to start with: Baking Soda. Baking soda, apparently, is a great all-purpose cleaner that can be used to clean throughout the house, from the kitchen to the bathroom.

As Martha directed, I mixed three parts hot water with one part baking soda to start cleaning in the kitchen. With this mixed, I was able to easily scrub all the grime and cooked on gunk on the stove, counter and sink area.

Then, I turned to the dreaded bathroom, a place of mysterious grime, mildew and mold. I added a bit of dish-washing detergent into the baking soda/water mix and got to work.

I'll spare you all the gory details, but suffice to say it was not a pleasant experience. I don't think I'll ever eat again. Well... at least not until I can get the smells and sights of cleaning the bathroom out of my head. The horrors aside, at least the baking soda worked wonders! Like magic, all the grossness came off and I am left with a fabulous, sparkling clean apartment.

I have told my roommates they can thank me with a pair of shoes or a diamond ring. I also take cash or check.

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