Thursday, February 10, 2011

Wrap it up

There is nothing worse than an awesome present hidden under ugly, unattractive wrapping. And I am always the friend who presents her gift in this way. I am the one who shows up to birthday parties ten minutes late with gifts in Duane Reade grocery bags, tags with prices still on them.

But, no longer! Thanks to Martha, I have been reformed.

Martha has an entire gallery of awesome wrapping ideas, varying in difficulty. They range from elegant, to thrifty, to all-out-ridiculously-intricate. For an upcoming friend's party, I decided on something more modern and funky.

Thankfully, I had some tissue paper and flowers lying around from my previous pom-pom project. I decided to wrap my gifts (which were, of course, two previous Channeling Martha projects), in two different variations of green tissue paper.

For an added touch of funky charm, on a budget, I printed out a sampling of Martha's modern paper templates onto normal printer paper. I cut out long strips of two of the more interesting patterns and decided to wrap one strip around each package. For the package on the left, I chose Martha's Cameo Cummerbund Wrapping Paper; for the right, I went with Swirly Wrapping Paper.

I topped the presents with the pom poms I made previously, a great finishing touch to what, in my opinion, is an excellent wrapping job. Never again will I be delivering presents in grocery bags... I swear!

P.S. I apologize deeply for the horrible quality of the above picture. I really need a better way to photograph my work that doesn't either wash out the crafts completely or make them appear dark and blurry. Any recommendations are welcome...

1 comment:

  1. Allllleeexx, It's Kyle. Make a light box/tent for your pictures. That might help! I click every few days to look at what you're up to, super nifty! Let's play soon!
