Saturday, May 14, 2011

Flashback to yesterday

In a dramatic turn, blogger went down yesterday... in a big way. As in, it went into read-only mode for almost 12 hours. This, of course, was not conducive to me posting what I had intended to post. Given this, I will be posting two entries today! Which is exciting!

First of all, let's talk plane travel. Or, more specifically, let's talk Martha's tips for plane travel. I am currently, and finally, home in Los Angeles after a long 5+ hour flight from New York. As a certified expert in plane travel after years of flight back and forth from east to west coasts.

My typical routine is to stay up as late as possible the night before, perhaps take a few benedryl and attempt to sleep for the entire flight. This time, I decided to travel Martha's way.

According to Martha, or, more accurately, her experts, the following tips are important to keep in mind during mind-numbing flights:

1. Hydrate: recycled plane air can totally dry you out
2. Move around: as I have been told time after time, sitting for long periods of time is just not good for you.
3. Employ headphones: I mean, duh.
4. Aromatherapy: Nice smells can calm you on long, turbulent flights.
5. Spa visit upon arrival: Ok, Martha not everyone has this luxury! I wish!

All in all, these aren't bad tips, but for a travel expert like me, I'm ready to go in my own way... maybe even without Martha's help.

For more detail, visit:

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