Even this minimal amount of running has taken a bit of a toll on my legs. While I feel much better and my energy level has increased, running is a bit harsh on your legs. As a former cross country runner, I suffer from some fairly mild shin splints in both legs, which makes running slightly uncomfortable. Couple that with some old woman hips and here I am, hobbling around post-run like an arthritic seamstress.

Tonight's run was a perfect opportunity. After struggling through thirty minutes on the treadmill, I tried some of Martha's poses, dancer's pose (above) and warrior II (to the right), in particular.
Dancer's pose, which I manage to master after almost falling on my face a few times, was a great stretch for my hips and quads, two of my weakest areas. It was a fantastic post-run stretch.
Warrior II, on the other hand is supposed to prevent stress on your knees. As a runner, this is something that cannot be undervalued. While my knees aren't hurting now, I know they will be a few years when I'm old and gnarled.
I'll definitely try to keep up with these two stretches post-run, in the hopes that they will ease some of my tightness and pain. This, plus my new gym routine, promises to make me happier and healthier.
Love this post! I'm going to go for a jog today for the first time in months. Wish me luuuuck.