Friday, April 1, 2011

Kids night-light, grown-up style

APRIL FOOLS! So in honor of April Fools Day, I took a Benedryl and, naturally, passed out at 6pm. I woke up in a panic at 1am, realized that I had forgotten to post my Martha craft, and passed back out until 10am. Yes, I literally April Fooled myself. Welcome to my life.

What I meant to post was an adorable craft meant for kids' rooms, that I, in my quest to decorate my room, decided to use. Martha's Paper-Cutout Night-Lights were simple and cute, a subtle addition to my bare room. I figured my bedside lamp could use an update.

I printed out Martha's templates. Since I couldn't decide between the Koala and the Birds, I decided to do both - one on each side of the lamp. That way, when I'm bored with one, I can easily rotate the shade and look at the other side.

Since I didn't have any colored paper, I colored the templates in with crayons. I used white glue, instead of adhesive, to glue the templates onto the lampshade. I covered with a layer of Modge Podge to finish it off.

All in all, a cute, simple craft for my Benedryl-addled Friday. Looks like I learned my lesson...

Note: Pictures to be uploaded soon.


Tools and Materials
 Bird or koala template
Colored card stock (We used green card stock for the birds and brown for the koala.)
Craft knife
Screw punch
Spray adhesive
Night-light with half shade
Mod Podge

Paper Cutout Nightlights How-To
 1. Print the bird or koala template onto colored card stock.
2. Cut along the inside dotted lines first with a craft knife. The circles for the eyes may be punched out with a screw punch.
3. Completely cut out the shapes along the solid lines.
4. Lightly spray the largest piece with spray adhesive. Position this piece on the outside of the shade and press down to adhere.
5. Hold the night-light shade up to a light source to position the inside shapes (the leaves for the bird night-light, and the baby koala for the koala) referencing the positioning map on the template. Secure the shapes to the inside of the shade with a dab of Mod Podge; let dry.
6. Use a paintbrush to coat the inside and outside of the shade with a light coat of Mod Podge.

 Special thanks to Rachel Weber for demonstrating this craft; for more information, or to purchase a paper-cutout night-light, visit Special thanks to Nicolecrafts for giving night-lights (available for purchase at your local AC Moore store) to our studio audience. Card stock, craft knife, and screw punch are from Martha Stewart Crafts. All other tools and materials are available at crafts stores. Get more innovative ideas with television's crafts for kids and these animal-inspired projects.

Read more at Paper-Cutout Night-Lights - Martha Stewart Crafts

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